Office of Chief Operating Officer
(DOC) What is the role of the New COO (Chief Operating Officer | Ramona Gianina -
Hire an interim coo | Kamyar Shah
O*NET Database and websites updated
With the release of the O*NET 24.0 Database, data from job incumbents and occupational experts is now available for 969 O*NET-SOC occupations, of which 100 occupations were updated in this release. This release also updates the Alternate Titles and Sample of Reported Titles data for 299 occupations, from employer job postings and other sources, along with Detailed Work Activities for 63 occupations.
The new data is incorporated within My Next Move, Mi Próximo Paso, My Next Move for Veterans, and O*NET OnLine. Learn more or download the database from the Resource Center. Developers can also access the latest data from O*NET Web Services.
O*NET-SOC 2019 taxonomy paper and crosswalks
With the release by the Office of Management and Budget of an updated Standard Occupational Classification (2018 SOC), the O*NET Program is moving forward with the transition to this new SOC standard. The technical report Updating the O*NET-SOC Taxonomy: Incorporating the 2018 SOC Structure describes the new O*NET-SOC 2019 taxonomy based on the 2018 SOC. The report summarizes code, title, and definition changes and the overall relationship between the 2018 SOC and the O*NET-SOC 2019 taxonomies.
To help with the transition to the new structure, related crosswalks are now available: Crosswalk O*NET-SOC 2019 to 2018 SOC, Crosswalk O*NET-SOC 2010 to O*NET-SOC 2019 and Crosswalk O*NET-SOC 2010 to 2018 SOC.
For more information, including an interactive summary graphic, a variety of occupational listings, and additional transition plans, visit O*NET Resource Center–O*NET-SOC Taxonomy.
Updated military occupations included in O*NET websites
The Military Occupational Classification (MOC) crosswalk has been updated by the Department of Defense (July 2019) and incorporated into O*NET OnLine and My Next Move for Veterans. Supplementing this crosswalk with additional sources of data, including The ASVAB Career Exploration Program
, Army COOL
, Navy COOL
, Marine Corps COOL
, and Coast Guard COOL
provides transitioning Veterans with a wide variety of careers to potentially explore. Within the O*NET Military Transition Search, civilian career options are presented alongside helpful military links and information. It includes over 46,000+ linkages between 12,500+ distinct MOC occupations and related O*NET-SOC occupations. To learn more, visit O*NET Resource Center Crosswalks.
Updated BLS information included in O*NET websites
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
released updated employment projections for 2018 – 2028. This information is now included within O*NET OnLine, My Next Move, Mi Próximo Paso, and My Next Move for Veterans. The updated information is also incorporated within the Bright Outlook feature included within the O*NET sites.
Based on a new publication of the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
, the Occupation Handbook Crosswalk Search and the occupational reports within O*NET OnLine have also been updated.
O*NET Database and websites updated
The 24.1 release of the O*NET database includes the following:
- 1,416 technology skills related to 332 occupations were updated from employer job postings and other sources. Currently, 161 "hot technologies" are identified.
- 170 alternate titles related to 102 occupations were added from employer job postings and other sources.
The new data is incorporated within My Next Move, Mi Próximo Paso, My Next Move for Veterans, and O*NET OnLine.
Learn more or download the database from our Developer's Corner. Developers can also access the latest data from O*NET Web Services.
Updated military information included in O*NET websites
The Military Occupational Classification (MOC) crosswalk has been updated by the Department of Defense (October 2019) and incorporated into O*NET OnLine and My Next Move for Veterans. Supplementing this crosswalk with additional sources of data, including The ASVAB Career Exploration Program
, Army COOL
, Navy COOL
, Marine Corps COOL
, and Coast Guard COOL
provides transitioning Veterans with a wide variety of careers to potentially explore. See O*NET Military Transition Search or visit O*NET Resource Center Crosswalks to learn more.
In addition, updated reports for military occupations within O*NET OnLine now include rich information on military classifications through direct links to Careers in the Military
Competency Frameworks and Linked Data
The O*NET Content Model includes worker- and job-oriented hierarchical taxonomies that can effectively serve as frameworks for organizing workforce competencies, credentials, and other work-relevant information. Visit the new Competency Frameworks section to discover a variety of easy-to-use competency frameworks, including Technology Skills, Abilities, Cross-Functional Skills, Basic Skills, and Knowledge.
The frameworks are available in Excel format and also as JSON-LD: machine-readable Linked Data
described using the CTDL-ASN
schema (Credential Transparency Description Language Profile of Achievement Standards Network Description Language) developed by the Credential Engine
For a summary of O*NET machine-discoverable information see: Link to Us--Machine-Readable Data.
15 Ways To Onboard New Hires Efficiently (Even During Busy Times)
Create A Complete Feedback Loop
One of the rather easy ways to evaluate and improve onboarding, be it in a high- or low-stress environment, is having a complete feedback loop with all stakeholders. This would allow for feedback from all levels, including the new employee. This kind of dynamic feedback allows for quick tactical pivots to improve the onboarding quickly and effectively. – Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
by Kamyar Shah – Interim COO
15 Tips For Tactfully Turning Down A Potential Client
Stick To The Facts
Polite and factual statements are virtually always the best way of approaching most conversations, even the difficult ones. In this particular instance, it is just as important what is being said as how it is said—conveying that a relationship may not be as productive and effective while encouraging them to find alternatives would be the optimal approach. – Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
By Kamyar Shah – Interim CMO
15 Tips For Navigating Family Business Challenges
Keep Family Issues Out Of The Business
Though there are many different ways that may help avoid family pitfalls, one of the safest ways is a clean-cut separation of family and business. Creating a formal separation in which personal and family issues do not carry any merit when it comes to business-related matters will have the best chance for long-term success. Alternatives are more susceptible to occasional and repeated failures. – Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
Check out my Part-time COO and/or Part-time CMO services
Overwhelmed? 15 Ways To Set Better Boundaries For Work And Life
Enforce The Consequences Of Your Boundaries
Boundaries are less about explicit expression than actions. For boundaries to be of any impact, there have to be consequences that are obvious enough. Those actions and consequences can be as simple as making sure the other side notices that they have been ignored on purpose, or as complex as explicitly and publicly emphasizing that they have been ignored for a specific reason. – Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
Check out my Business Consulting and/or Management Consulting services.
Keep Your Stakeholders In The Loop With These 14 Communication Tips
Operate With Consistent Integrity
Though communication is the obvious answer, there is more to it. Communication at its face is great; however, in order to have the proper impact on stakeholders, those communications have to be above board. That usually translates into being accepted as a person of consistent integrity that will report objectively at all times. Without that perception, communication is not effective. – Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
By Kamyar Shah – Chief Operating Officer
Financing Your First Business? 16 Expert-Recommended Funding Tips
Seek To Self-Fund First
Though there are many tools and platforms that make fundraising more accessible, there is still a lot to be said about self-funding. A self-funded company tends to signal several positive attributes that are highly desirable, including self-discipline. Though this may not apply to all business environments, it should be the first option to be considered. – Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
By Kamyar Shah – Chief Marketing Officer
12 Up-To-Date Lead Generation Tips For The Modern Salesperson
Look In ‘Little Ponds’
The simplest way to exponentially grow inbound leads in later stages of a business is to adopt the “big fish, little pond” methodology. Secondary venues, or “little ponds,” that are unlikely to be overcrowded by others will allow the business to be the “big fish.” This approach, however, requires an immense amount of creativity and experimentation to find the proper and converting “little ponds.” – Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
By Kamyar Shah – Read more about Management Consulting & Operations Management
Job Seekers: 13 Important Things To Look For In Your Ideal Recruiter
What They Do With The Information You Provide Them
Much like any other service provider, recruiters depend a great deal on information to provide the best possible result. Hence, it is important to be proactive and provide them with a complete background as well as a “narrative” of what you are trying to accomplish. The more details and guidance one provides, the more likely that the recruiting efforts will result in the desired outcome. – Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
By Kamyar Shah – Remote COO
Is Your Company Growing Too Fast? 14 Red Flags To Watch For
You’re Putting Out Daily Fires
Rapid growth entails change, which tends to create friction. That sort of friction tends to manifest in a wide range of symptoms such as quality control issues, customer dissatisfaction as well as internal conflicts. Those symptoms are just that—symptoms. The underlying causes are virtually always within growth and scaling projects that were not planned or not executed properly. – Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
By Kamyar Shah – Remote CMO
15 Culture-Building Tips For An All-Remote Team
Encourage Cross-Collaboration
As someone that has worked 16-plus years remotely, the single most important cultural tool is cross-collaboration. Remote teams that integrate cross-collaboration among team members tend to create deeper and more personal relationships. It ultimately tends to translate into deeper personal bonds that not only help maintain but also evolve the organizational culture. – Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group
By Kamyar Shah – Business Consultant
O*NET Database and websites updated
The 24.2 release of the O*NET database includes the following:
- New “Cross-Domain Linkages” section with linkages between:
- Abilities to relevant Work Activities;
- Abilities to relevant Work Context;
- Skills to relevant Work Activities;
- Skills to relevant Work Context.
- 441 technology skills related to 98 occupations were updated from employer job postings and other sources. Currently, 161 "hot technologies" are identified.
- 162 alternate titles related to 103 occupations were added from employer job postings and other sources.
The new technology skills and alternate tiles data is incorporated within My Next Move, Mi Próximo Paso, My Next Move for Veterans, and O*NET OnLine.
Learn more or download the database from our Developer's Corner. Developers can also access the latest data from O*NET Web Services.
CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER - Campbell County Health - Gillette, WY
From Campbell County Health - Thu, 27 Feb 2020 17:09:59 GMT - View all Gillette, WY jobs
Updated military information included in O*NET websites
The Military Occupational Classification (MOC) crosswalk has been updated by the Department of Defense (January 2020) and incorporated into O*NET OnLine and My Next Move for Veterans. Supplementing this crosswalk with additional sources of data, including The ASVAB Career Exploration Program
, Army COOL, Navy COOL, Marine Corps COOL, Air Force COOL and Coast Guard COOL, provides transitioning Veterans with a wide variety of careers to potentially explore. See O*NET Military Transition Search or visit O*NET Resource Center Crosswalks to learn more.
Developers can also access the latest data from O*NET Web Services.
Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) - Aspen Mountain Medical Center - Rock Springs, WY
From Nueterra Health - Mon, 09 Mar 2020 23:25:49 GMT - View all Rock Springs, WY jobs
IT Specialist (Information Security) - US Department of the Army - Cheyenne, WY
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Director, Business Operations / Finance & Administration - University of Wyoming - Laramie, WY
From University of Wyoming - Fri, 20 Mar 2020 20:15:28 GMT - View all Laramie, WY jobs
Inflation - Term of the Day - Mar 23, 2020
Inventory Adjustments - Term of the Day - Mar 24, 2020
Vice President of Operations - Blue Federal Credit Union - Cheyenne, WY
From Blue Federal Credit Union - Tue, 24 Mar 2020 10:05:23 GMT - View all Cheyenne, WY jobs
Liability - Term of the Day - Mar 25, 2020
Sector - Term of the Day - Mar 26, 2020
Deduction - Term of the Day - Mar 27, 2020
Supervisory Police Officer - US Department of Veterans Affairs - Sheridan, WY
From - Fri, 27 Mar 2020 21:49:04 GMT - View all Sheridan, WY jobs
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) - Quorum Health Resources - Cody, WY
From Quorum Health Resources - Fri, 27 Mar 2020 22:16:28 GMT - View all Cody, WY jobs
Lien - Term of the Day - Mar 30, 2020
Health System Specialist, Credentialing - US Department of Veterans Affairs - Cheyenne, WY
From - Mon, 30 Mar 2020 15:51:36 GMT - View all Cheyenne, WY jobs
Dividend - Term of the Day - Mar 31, 2020
New O*NET-SOC Taxonomy Transition Tools within O*NET Web Services
With the release of the O*NET 25.1 Database in November 2020, O*NET Web Services will transition to the O*NET-SOC 2019 taxonomy. This taxonomy, based on the 2018 SOC, introduces several changes to the occupations returned by our services. It includes 1,016 occupational titles, 923 of which represent O*NET data-level occupations. For more information on these changes, see the O*NET-SOC Taxonomy page at the O*NET Resource Center.
To help O*NET Web Services users with the upcoming taxonomy transition, Taxonomy Services are now available to enable developers to connect occupational data between existing systems based on the O*NET-SOC 2010 taxonomy, and the future O*NET-SOC 2019 taxonomy-based O*NET Web Services.
Cash Flow - Term of the Day - Apr 01, 2020
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code - Term of the Day - Apr 02, 2020
Chief Financial Officer - State of Wyoming - Cheyenne, WY
From State of Wyoming - Tue, 25 Feb 2020 21:04:52 GMT - View all Cheyenne, WY jobs
Technical Operations Technician II - State of Wyoming - Cheyenne, WY
From State of Wyoming - Tue, 31 Mar 2020 02:55:26 GMT - View all Cheyenne, WY jobs